
Monday, November 4, 2019

Climate Change and the future

Hurumanu: Climate Change and the future

Aim; To look at the different ways we can prevent climate change in the future

What places will be effected?
Beaches, peoples homes, close to the coast pacific islands, 
people close to the coast

What else do we need to think about?
Finding more efficient ways to improve our  daily lives because if we dont then we could release a lot more green house gasses which we dont want.

What other places around NZ will be affected?

What does this do to our drinking water?
It will ad sea water to our clean water which could badly affect us.

What are the main concerns?

What can we do?
  1.  Use public transport
  2.   Use solar efficient cars
  3. Less greenhouse gasses
  4. Not use so much technological

What is the one, silver bullet solution?

What is the mix of things we need to start doing?

What are 3 others you can think of?


Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint explained

Heating and cooling
Air Travel

Colour 1: for actions they are already doing 
Colour 2: for actions that they pledge to undertake in the future

Ecological Handprint The Ecological handprint builds on the concepts from the Carbon Footprint. We will look at the positive actions of:

  1. Transportation
  2. Community
  3. Consumption
  4. Water
  5. Food
  6. Home
  7. Waste

1 Colour: For each action you are already doing 
2 Colour: For each action you would like to do in the future

    The green house affect

    The greenhouse effect


    1. 1 plastic bottle
    2. 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda and Citric Acid
    3. 1 heat lamp
    4. 1 Thermometer
    5. 100 ml of water
    6. 1 rubber bun
    Bottle 1: Water 
    Bottle 2: CO2 Gas

    1. Collect 2 bottles, 2 lamps and 2 thermometers from the teacher.
    2. set up bottles and lamps beside a powerpoint on a flat surface.
    3. Pour 100mls of water and baking soda mixture into one of the bottles.
    4. Start to record your findings taken from both thermometers. these must be every 5 mins.



    As ur told by people around you that your not perfect
    There expectations aren't high enough
    What people think of you, your not worth it
    If your trans bi or gay your not worth living
    As you walk down the school path 
    Your not worth it,no one cares for you
    Your were born as one gender be it 
    You were made as one gender \
    If you try change you will be hated
    Being female or male you have a role
    You cant change who you are.
    Dont try change it dosent work
    No one will care about you
    But None of that matters 
    Your perfect just the way you are
    Gay trans or bi what ever you are your perfect
    Your loved and cared for no mater what
    Being you is all that matters
    We are perfect trans gay or bi
    You are you
    No one can change you
    Being another gender is okay
    Being you is okay
    Dont change being you
    Dont try change for someone else

    Change for you