Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.
Definition: A technique for separating the different parts of a mixture / solid using liquid.
Rainbow paper
1. cup
2. paper
3. water
4. colored pens
Step 1: Grab a piece of chromatography.
Step 2: Chose 2 colored felts (light colors)
Step 3:Use a pencil to mark a line 1cm.
Step 4: Fold chromatography paper and put it in the cup. (make sure it is not touching bottom.
Step 5: wait
Step 6: Then see as your paper transforms.
Findings: Write about what happened.
Reflection: What have I learnt from this experiment?
Reflection: What have I learnt from this experiment?
Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.
Materials;Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.
3. petry container
Step 1: Grab a hand full of skittles.
Step 2: Place skittles in petry container.
Step 3:Place skittles in the outside on inside of container.
Step 4:Add water until it is halfull.
Step 5:Wait until you transform.
Step 6:look as it transform your container.
Findings: Write about what happened.
The water was transformed to beautiful color and then it was like the water ate the skittles.
Reflection: What have I learnt from this experiment?
That the water can transform the skittles if is placed in a circle.
What did the colours do?Mix/ go to the middle.
Did the colours mix together?yes.
Why or why not?After we mixed it with our fingers.
What is another experiment you could do using chromatography and how would you do it.We could it using m and ms to do it another way.
learning how to use ChromatographyAim:
to know what chromatography can do.Materials:
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